Giving to MKT couldn’t be easier….
…but give to what?

MKT began in 2009 with the money that Mike left behind. In the year before he passed away, he saved most of his wages to put himself through music school. He felt sure that his future was in music related to the Creator God and probably large sale gospel music events. In many ways, if Heaven has choirs of angels singing to the glory of the Creator of All Things, then Mikey got his heart’s desire when his Maker collected him on that sunny Saturday morning. Since then, through MKT’s WORDS of LIFE stream, MKT has helped other young people learn music that is specifically tailored to leading small groups in praise of the Creator God. Recently however, with the publication of THIRST, MKT has gained a new focus: WATER for LIFE, mobilizing action and crowd funding for existing water projects in some of the poorest nations on earth.
You can now partner with MKT in three ways:
SUPPORT now MKT’s originally dream for helping young people like Mike, to realise their potential within the gospel music industry…
SUPPORT MKT’s Water Projects around the world by becoming a long-term partner and mobilizing long-term partners through your social networks…
SUPPORT MKT’s book THIRST and help spread of the message and awareness of our world’s swiftly depleting freshwater reserves…